Tricksparty Den Helder 2013 - NL - September 1st

    The last round of the Tricksparty season 2013 will take place during the Den Helder Kitefesival on the beach at Duinoord (31st of August and 1st of September).

    Saturday 31 Sept.: Trickout
    Sunday 1 Sept.: Tricksparty Competition

    Register for the competition via: LINK
    Trickslist needs to submitted on monday prior to the competition weekend BEFORE 18:00 because of administrative work.

    More info about the festival: LINK
    Please make sure to book a spot at the campsite as soon as possible because there's limited availability. The campsite has special prices for attendants of the festival/competitions. Booking via: LINK.

    Thread on the dutch Vliegerwereld Forum: LINK

    Hope to see you all in Den Helder!

    1. Paul Breddels
    2. Lars Fakkeldij
    3. Krijn Hemminga
    4. Stephan Fiers
    5. Ronald Kuijpers
    6. Carlo de Rond
    7. Dennis Reuvers
    8. Fred Blok (reserve jury)
    9. Andre v/d Brink
    10. Pierre ter Bogt (reserve jury)
    11. Bram Bijlhout
    12. Nils Delacourt
    13. John IJzerman
    14. Willy Wilbrink
    15. Sascha Treder
    16. ...